As a huge fan of Resident Evil and especially of the Umbrella Corporation, I created this blog to share my love of the genre. Disclaimer though, I will only blog about the games not the movies. I will blog about many of the plots, history, and many other topics. Also will be posting up my RE FanFic, that I'm currently writing.
My first exposure to Resident Evil was through the movies but as I got on YouTube and watched many of the cutscenes from the games as well as reading the novels. My addiction to Resident Evil began, though I'm disappointed that I can't play many of the games cause of my location (Western media doesn't always make it over here) I am able to play Resident Evil 5 and fully enjoying it! I read what I could on the RE Wiki about the many different characters and the history. I love the science behind it, as well as the action, and the many well defined characters. Though its a serious game it's not afraid of puns (Chris in RE5 looking at the PG67A/W "Let's give it a shot"). As I learned more of the storyline and plot of the games, my love of the movies dwindled and just watch them occasionally though at a certain level, I still enjoy them.
My favorite part of Resident Evil is the Umbrella Corporation. It presents a wonderful history and background into the founding of the company. The many different viruses and organisms that they create is equally interesting from both imaginative and scientific aspects. The many different employees with their ambitions and their stories create a wonderful atmosphere. My favorite of the characters are Sergei Vladimir, William Birkin, Alexia Ashford,and Albert Wesker of the antagonists. My favorite of the Protagonists are Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, Sheva Alomar, and Jill Valentine RE is pretty much the only genre that I pretty much like all the protagonists and antagonists equally despite having my favorites. The characters are deep enough that you can get a good feel and attachment too. For instance, my heart ached when Billy Coen and Rebecca Chambers went their separate ways.
I dare to say Resident Evil is easily one of the best masterpieces of the gaming world not just cause you get to shoot zombies but cause of the plots and the characters.
So how did you come to like Resident Evil and what are your favorite parts of the genre?
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